9-Introducing Peggy the PEG

30th April 2020

I’m back in Gloucester Royal for the final job to be done, prior to treatment commencing.

I was booked in by my care team. A couple of days earlier, Laura my specialist dietician called me to outline the what and why.

The ‘what’ is a PEG stands for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, a procedure in which a flexible feeding tube is placed through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. PEG allows nutrition, fluids and/or medications to be put directly into the stomach, bypassing the mouth.

The why is because I’ll have to take fluid feed directly into my stomach, for the times when I’m unable to eat by mouth.

Laura continues… ‘I don’t want you losing weight, Warren,  you must maintain weight to close a possible to where you are now’
‘Do you have the correct notes with my name on? I ask…

‘ I’m 20 stones as it is and was hoping this condition of mine might knock a few more off, without much effort from me’ I’ll be happy around 100kg and a six-pack. Well, even a 12 pack at a push.

No way she says – I want you on blue top milk (full fat) and good protein, carbs and all.

I think this is going to be a bigger struggle than fighting the cancer 🙁

Anyway, I digressed.

So I’m under the care of Dr Li for this procedure just done under sedation. Pop the tube down the throat all the way to the stomach. Then poke a hole into the stomach from the outside, pull through and tie in a nice bow. Or something like that 😉

I used a body double – my photos are x-rated

The way to a mans’s heart…

That’s perfect for me – my lovely wife Samros certainly knows how feed me with amazing tastes she conjures up, but Peggy to the peg might just have the edge when the going gets a bit tough.

Friday 1st May 2020

I get a phone call from the Radiology team. They can program my treatment earlier than expected – can I came in to Cheltenham Oncology on Monday 4th for my first treatment.

Yep – I’m up and ready for this – just bring Larry the Lump on. He’s in for a shock when he sees the team in my corner…

2 thoughts on “9-Introducing Peggy the PEG”

  1. Philip Jones

    Hi Warren

    Stay strong, you are in our thoughts and prayers. When you are lying still just think about all the daft things we used to get up to, during this week in particular, Chester Races of course!! I often think about the night I drove eight of you Tarmac guys, my poor old car, to the Chinese, not eight stick insects either, you, the Harvards, Ratters, Albert and other first division drinkers!!!!

    Oh Phil – what a great recollection. Great times with amazing people. I miss you all x

  2. Hi Warren
    Read the blog welcome to the h o v 16+ cancer club which I am now 21 month post radiotherapy for tonsil cancer .any help I can give e just holler .Its pretty brutal but hey if I can do it anyone can .Like you’ve done same as me i personalised everything even larry the lump we’ve got same name I claim that I enjoy though lol .Any help just shout will help if I a n even if y
    Just moral assistance H x

    Hiya H
    Thanks for dropping by and had no idea Larry had a twin — great minds and all that eh?

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