15-Keep your distance

29 May 2020
Week 4 / round 4

Looking like Wozzer is slightly ahead on points after a month and here’s an update on how the fight is going…

I’m sure everyone will be pleased to hear that the er, bodily function saga is behind me, so to speak. No problems there. And I have a good supply of pencils – and lolly sticks, in case the need arises again.

The eating problems haven’t gone away though. The condition causing this has a name – Mucositis. For head and neck cancers that are undergoing treatment, either chemo or radiotherapy will damage healthy cells in the mucus membrane. This is the soft tissue that lines the inside of your mouth and oh boy, does it hurt. This is what the morphine is really helping with 😊

I’m solely on the nutrition liquids now – everything is fed to me via Ms Peggy the PEG and my weight is (unfortunately) holding steady. I say that because my team want me to keep my weight up and as they sign-off all the prescription drugs I need, it’s best I don’t upset them too much.

On top of this, my in-built saliva factory has started a new production line of extra-thick, gooey gunk. The closet I can think of is heavy-duty wallpaper paste and I can produce this by the bucketful (well, cupful), pretty much on demand.

Unfortunately, it’s when I don’t demand it and it comes up and then slithers down my chin, like some kind of old geezer - losing bodily function control, that I’m in danger of becoming.

And if that’s not enough, then the burning from radiation is now becoming apparent. My neck is turning a nice shade of reddy-brown and hair has been burned away from one smallish section of my head – at the back and above the neck (see photo).

I don’t mind that, it’s no worse than some ‘home haircuts’ I’ve seen during the lockdown! Seems 50/50 on whether it’ll grow back. I don’t mind that either – a small price to pay in the big scheme of things.

This does come with a bit of a burning smell – seems to linger on and around me all the time now. I don’t mind this either. But along with the gunk dribble, the weird haircut, croaky voice zonked out morphine look – I’ve no worries about social distancing. Seems everyone is giving me a wide berth these days!

I can’t quantify this, but having a poke around under my chin I don’t think Larry the Lump is anything like the size he was originally. So I do think confidently that while I’m getting a bit of a battering – the Lump is getting more.

Just have to keep focussed for the next few weeks 😊

Week 4 round-up:

Weight: 124.3kg

Appetite: 10%


Fluoride toothpaste 5000 PPM

Mouthwash – Caphosol

Pain: Paracetamol and Oramorph

Local anaesthetic: Gelclair oral rinse


5 thoughts on “15-Keep your distance”

  1. Keep on ducking and scoring those points Champ.
    It is more than likely that the monk hairstyle at the back is only temporary. However hair growth under the chin on the affected side may have gone for good. Less to shave.
    Wishing you lots of energy for those last few rounds and the recovery. Sounds like you’re doing great!

  2. Wozza yes running true to form ,at least you’ve the peg it was atbthe end of week 4 i got the n g tube , keep on top of hydration if the mucous gets worse ask for carbusistine I had it and it helps to thin the mucus down.if like me you will wish you had shares in Kleenex I went through a box of tissues a day. Good news my Larry also disappeared at the same time proof indeed that the burning is working. Funny you
    should mention the burning smell I also had that not heard of any others who have m I even started fusing the lights at one point hubby stopped me turning them in and off. No need to tell yiu the next 2 weeks don’t get any better but hang on in there. Just remember once treatment finishes your body’s like an oil filled radiator and it’s all got to leech out slowly. Keep in touch Hazel x

  3. Jayne Benmosche

    We are most definitely related! Not too sure how many divisions down in cousins, but definitely are related. Same sick sense of humor. In spite of any “crap” thrown at us, we take the proverbial bull by the horn and ride out whatever comes our way. We have great determination and fight in us, something called chutzpah. Sadly, however, I was eating a chicken salad sandwich when I read the portion of your blog about the slimy junk rolling own your chin in globs of something like wallpaper paste. The remainder of my sandwich didn’t make it down and I thought I would upchuck the part I already ate. So, thank you for helping with a small effort in MY dietary control. Next time I read a blog from you I will make sure I have not eaten recently, am not eating at the time, or have any inkling of eating for a few hours after. Keep up your great attitude and stay positive no matter how your body feels.

  4. Thinking about you, Warren. You are such a fighter and inspiration. I’m quite sure you will recover soon and become a stronger person than ever. Take care and best wishes from us.

  5. Thank you for your updates, I am reading so I can make myself aware of what Paul (wrexreds) from cancer chat will go through, he started yesterday Monday 1st, it made me laugh re your constipation as Paul been on cocodimal for few weeks so he knows the suffering ! Anyway all the best on your journey too ! Stay strong x Jane

    Hi Jane. Seems we all follow the same path and short-term side effects. It’s just a matter of timing when individuals experience these, the severity and for how long. My best tip so far is sleep whenever the body is even a bit tired. Don’t worry about sleep patterns. This is the body’s only mechanism to repair itself. Go with the flow!
    As others say – it’s a tough journey, but well worth it 🙂

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